
Monday, June 14, 2010

Foothill Friday and Sailing Saturday

Once you start hiking don’t stop. We took a 4 week break and last night’s ramble up Mount Si was a bit more painful than usual. We took the ‘old’ way, which was new to me. Maren, Janelle, Jodi and myself climbed the fairly steep trail for about an hour.

For Jodi and I it was a good wake up call. I can blame it on work, I can blame it on spending time on boats or up at the cabin, but the fact is we simply haven’t carved out time to hit the trail in the past few weeks. No one is at fault except us. Time to fix that.

While the trail was difficult, the conversation flowed freely.

After the hike we had dinner at the Bar and Grill. Maren documented her second beer with a picture and made it the ‘photo of the day’ on her blog Let the record state that she had shot the beer from one angle, then Janelle played with the camera shooting it from a different angle. Maren took one look at that shot, then reshot the beer from the same angle that Janelle had just used. Who’s picture?

Saturday dawned with few clouds in the sky. Time to go sailing! We were checked out earlier in the week on a somewhat tired Catalina 25. Perfect boat for getting out on the lake. Perfect day for sailing.

We spent some time in both lake Washington and Lake Union. The western shore of Lake Washington north of 520 had some decent breezes then Lake Union had a fresh breeze that came through the ship canal from the sound.

It was great to go sailing simply for sailing’s sake. With ‘Cambria’ we get very destination oriented and sailing becomes one way to ‘get there’. On a typical cruise, we may sail only once or twice. It was great to get out and simply sail – focusing on trim and boat speed and not at all about any end destination.

Jodi is proving to be a good, patient helmsman (women) and Rex is settling in just fine in his role as 2nd mate in charge of naps.

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