
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Island wildlife and chores

I’m trying to get a good picture on each outing.  The above shot was this weekend’s highlight shot.

Good day on the island.  Took the 9am boat and didn’t really get started working until just after noon.  The first task was to burn some wood.   Dad just couldn’t get rid of scrap wood.  Every project he did resulted in some scrap pieces of wood.  While he did recycle and use some of it, his woodpile grew year by year.  I found the spare boom to my 1929 Dragon in the pile.  Quite rotted.  Also found a paddle that was in the latter stages of decomposition.  Also found not one, but 2 sign posts he had used in the past 50 years, one was nearly unrecognizable.  Lest I mislead anyone, the property is nearly pristine, his hoarding habits were confined to a few select things, but wood was one of them.

We had a good burn and Jodi raked and worked hard.  I kept on using the word ‘fun’ but it really was.  Good productive work.  We cleared wood from the side of the house and straightened the area between the workshop and sheds.  Mundane,  but there is satisfaction in cleaning and clearing. 

The 2nd task was to rebuild part of the trail.  A step had become rotted and it was the worst step of the trail with the most rise.  So we re-engineered the step and put 2 steps in where there was one before.

During the few hours we worked there was a fair amount of wildlife.  Jodi and Rex spooked a deer that tore down to the beach.  A watchful couple of eagles surveyed their domain from above.

We also saw a family of river otters playing out in front.  The eagle saw them too and made a half hearted dive and bopped one of the otters on the head.

Between chores we had a pleasant romp on the beach.  Rex and Kuper loved it.  We did too.

In a sure fire sign that spring has begun, the first wildflower of the year, skunk cabbage, is starting to bloom (at least at sea level).

Cleaning windows and other chores rounded out the weekend.  Devin arrived with Kayla on Sunday and Devin helped with a number of chores as well.  Good productive weekend.

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